Hugrún Fjóla Hafsteinsdóttir

Fjóla is a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist from Iceland who delivers the sound current with an angelic, crystalline and soul-moving voice that goes straight to the heart. She weaves her sound to create a deep and heartfelt tapestry of peaceful and loving transformation.

  • Yoga Teacher
  • Multi-instrumentalist
  • Mathematician


Fjóla is a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist from Iceland who delivers the sound current with an angelic, crystalline and soul-moving voice that goes straight to the heart. She weaves her sound to create a deep and heartfelt tapestry of peaceful and loving transformation. The powerfully etheric spiritual vortex of Iceland is felt through her sound. For the passed years she has dedicated herself to create and share her music with Kundlini Yoga mantras, travelling the world, playing at festivals and leading workshops. Her mission is to share the sacred vibrations of Naad, the universal sound-current, far and wide, to help people get in touch with their own heart vibration. As a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, she also shares the teachings of the Japji Sahib and Yogi Bahjan in regular classes and workshops. Fjóla’s first single “Rise Up” is up on Spotify and her first solo album, Inner Landscape is a deep and touching sharing of her journey and connection with the Aquarian Sadhana, through music and sound. The album is currently in post-production, being shaped into the final product which we look forward to hearing.

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