Carpenter, someone good with multimedia or media-broadcasting for technical consideration, assistance with moving things to and from the location and setting up. I'm interested!
Icelandic to English literary translator, writer, researcher, and librarian. I lived in Reykjavík from 2012 - 2017 and am currently based in New York City.
Tinna Eik er myndlistarkona sem hefur menntað sig í myndlist ásamt því að hafa sótt námskeið í teiknun, málun, fatasaum, ljósmyndun og grafískri hönnun.
Hún hefur alla tíð teiknað og málað, en núna er fókusinn á svart hvítar pennateikningar úr náttúrunni, leik að skuggum og einfaldleika.
Skáldkona og skrifari. Aktivisti og áhugakona um hættulegar hugmyndir um breyttan heim.
Hef gefið út tvær ljóðabækur; Mjálm (2015) og Tileinkanir (2020)
Deili heimili með 7 ára fræðimanni, 16 ára listakonu, þrítugum hippa og þrem einstökum köttum.
Ég er fæddur og uppalinn Hafnfirðingur og lærður Rafvirkjameistari. Síðustu 10-12 árin hef ég hallast æ meir að ljósmyndun.Ljósmyndun finnst mér sérstaklega áhugaverð,þar sem sá miðill gefur mér tækifæri að miðla minni sýn á margvíslegan þátt tilverunnar!,húmor,tilfinningum,fegurð,fólki
Gulian is a classical singer from Utrecht, the Netherlands, currently in training with Icelandic voice teacher Jón Þorsteinsson. He's a part of Olga, a half Dutch, half Icelandic, half Russian/American vocal ensemble that is planning to conquer the universe sometime soon. Since their tour in 2013, he's been crazy about Icelandic culture and desperately wants to return. Hopefully this summer!
I consider myself an entrepreneur with an intrest in human nature and imigination. I like to support other entrepreneurs, based on my own experience as well as with my finances
We are two Icelandic health care professionals - Dr. Gyda Eyjolfsdottir is a Psychologist and Berglind Osk Birgisdottir is a Registered Nurse. We have a passion for every aspect of infertility, including how to increase the well-being of people who are dealing with infertility and how to increase the chances of pregnancy for those who undergo IVF treatments.
LÚR eða Lengst Útí Rassgati er listahátíð sem haldin er 12.-15. júní á ísafirði. Ungmennahópur starfar í Menningarmiðstöðini Edinborg stendur fyrir hátíðinni. Höfuðstöðvar hátíðarinnar eru í Edinborgarhúsinu. LÚR or Langt Útí Rassgati(farther out of nowhere) is an art festival held in Ísafjörður, Iceland the 12th - 15th of June. A Youth group in Edinborg Cultural
Ég er athafnamanneskja í orkulausumm og dyntóttum líkama. Ég hef sterka þörf til að byggja brýr milli heima, sýna veröld langveikra, fatlaðra og öryrkja. Rjúfa einangruna og nota mig sem dæmi og birtingarmynd þeirra sem geta ekki eða hafa ekki orku til að gera það opinberlega. Móðir, kona, manneskja
Ingi Bjarni hefur gefið út fimm plötur með eigin verkum, leikið eigin tónsmíðar með fjölda tónlistarfólks á Íslandi og í Evrópu, gefið út nótnabók o.s.frv. Allar plötur hans hafa hlotið jákvæða gagnrýni erlendis.
Ég er friðar- og umhverfissinni. Ég ætlaði að verða geimfari og bóndi þegar ég yrði stór og nú læt ég þessa drauma rætast í skáldskap og listsköpun. Ég kláraði nýverið MA í ritlist og er að fara að gefa út ljóðabók í haust.
sem ljóð, mála myndir, skrifa sögur, held fyrirlestra um mannúðarheimspeki
MEISTARAR DAUÐANS er þriggja manna unglingahljómsveit úr Reykjavík. Þeir hafa spilað saman síðan í æsku og fyrsta hljóðversplata þeirra hlaut útnefningu til Íslensku tónlistarverðlaunanna sem Rokkplata ársins 2015. Önnur plata þeirra, Lög þyngdaraflsins, kemur út 2018.
Ég er fæddur í vesturbæ Reykjavíkur en frá unga aldri dvaldi ég í sveitinni frá maí lokum framundir október byrjun. Þar smitaðist ég af útrþrá og ferðagleði, hlustaði á fuglana og talaði við hundinn. Síðar á ævi minni gerði ég útiveru að mínu starfi og hef rekið ferðaþjónustu í tæp 30 ár.Ferðast um
Höfundur skáldsagnanna: Hann kallar á mig (2015) og Andstæður (2018). Hann kallar á mig var tilnefnd til Íslensku hljóðbókaverðlaunanna 2021, Storytel Awards. Nú safna ég fyrir útgáfu nýjustu bókarinnar minnar, sálfræðitryllinum RÓSA.
a rawlings is a Canadian-Icelandic interdisciplinary artist whose books include Wide
slumber for lepidopterists (Coach House Books, 2006), Gibber (online, 2012), o w
n (CUE BOOKS, 2015), and si tu (MaMa Multimedijalni Institut, 2017), and Sound of Mull (Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, 2019).
Berglind María Tómasdóttir er flautuleikari og tónskáld sem vinnur þvert á miðla. Í verkum sínum leitast hún við að kanna ímyndir og erkitýpur sem og tónlist sem félagslegt fyrirbæri.
Ég hef leikið í Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands og tónlistarhópunum Caput og Camerarctica um árabil og m.a. komið fram á Listahátíð í Reykjavík, Myrkum músíkdögum og Sumartónleikum í Skálholti. Lék einnig í uppfærslum Þjóðleikhússins á söngleikjunum Saga úr Vesturbænum og Syngjandi í Rigningu.
I am sound designer and editor based in Prague. Former FAMU student and graduate. Now part of crew in Sleepwalker - postproduction studios and sound equipment rental.
I am writing recordings from the beginning of GusGus 1995-1997. Records from meetings interviews, ideas pictures and music .
philosopher, journalist, translator, designer, artist and more...
I have worked as a journalist, writer, artist, designer, editor and more for over 25 years and I have worked for many different medias creating different atmosphere, emotion and logic each time. The book on the beginning of the creative group of people that formed GusGus is a challenging project.
Margrét er grafískur miðlari, forritari og frumkvöðlafræðingur að mennt. Margrét stofnaði þar sem mörgum hugnast ekki þöggun og ritskoðun stóru miðlana í samfélaginu og virðast þeir allir sýktir af pólitískum rétttrúnaði sem er orðið mein í samfélaginu og mikilvægt er að bregðast við.
Pönkari, götumálari, skiltamálari, myndskreytir, vefsmiður, rithöfundur, fyrirlesari og loks leiðsögumaður um Ísland … / A punk, street painter, car decorator, illustrator, web designer, author of books, lecturer and finally a tour guide in the Icelandic highlands …
musician, performer, radio- host, tv-host, brand, comic, master of ceremony, writer, poet, artist, guide, connoisseur of rum and cigars, journalist, traveller, etc, etc.
Kindergarten teacher and writer from Iceland. Treasurer, writes press releases, hosts events, PR person and member of BOD and EB of Ós pressan since 2015.
Fjóla is a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist from Iceland who delivers the sound current with an angelic, crystalline and soul-moving voice that goes straight to the heart. She weaves her sound to create a deep and heartfelt tapestry of peaceful and loving transformation.
Ég er gítarleikari og kennari en segi aldrei nei við ögrandi verkefnum og ef þau koma ekki bý ég þau til. Ég hef búið til sjónvarpsþætti, fyrirlestra, 2020 Leiðir á Youtube og haldið allskonar námskeið og tónleika. Fyrir utan það er ég bara landsbyggðartútta með frestunaráráttu.
Handavinna, garðyrkja , hönnun, breyta því sem þarf að breytast.
Með-Stofnandi Samtakanna Verndum veika og aldraða,aðgerðasinni, fyrrverandi aðstandandi heilabilunarsjúklings, stofnandi facebooksíðunnar Verndum veika og aldraða..
Share Desk is an office where you can start your own business and pay less, gain more and share a desk. <a href="">Shared Office Space</a> we have a Coworking space that is OK with you. No typical office environment like other offices.
Industrial engineer (business administration) but work in marketing. My hobby have always been drawing (and painting) and i´m self self taught in most thing i do and thing passion and experience is key for developement of talent.
Grindvískur Sandgerðingur ættuð frá Öxarfirði ... ætli það segi ekki allt sem segja þarf ;) Er annars kennari í námsleyfi og er að fikra mig áfram í listinni ... leirlistinni.
Ég hef töluverða reynslu úr kvikmyndabransanum, vann í fjölda ára sem klippari á sjónvarpsstöðvum, SkjárSport og RÚV.
Hef einnig unnið við bíómyndir og sjónvarpsþætti sem klippari, og DIT.
Má þar nefna Gauragang, Svartur á leik, Andaðu eðlilega, Ég man þig, Ligeglad og Víti í Vestmannaeyjum.
Grafískur hönnuður og heilsumarkþjálfi / Graphic Designer and a health Coach. Sjá nánar/further info: - Hafðu samband ef þú vilt kíkja til mín og skoða verkin. Take contact if you want to visit and look at my work :
Anna Margrét lauk BA námi í Sálfræði frá Háskólanum á Akureyri 2007, síðar frá Árósar Háskóla Cand. Psych meistara námi í Sálfræði 2010 og í PhD nám við Kaupmannahafnar Háskóla. Hún hefur lagt rækt við Núvitund (Mindfulness) frá 2002, þar sem hún byrjaði að læra frá MiCBT stofnunin í Melbourne.
Mindfulness, Psychology, Happiness, Health, Mindful Eating, Mindful Living, Yoga, Life skills, Organizing, Planning, Presence, Being you in your life with your life.
I’m working as an academic consultant at Global Assignment Help Australia. I have been providing assignment help to Aussie scholars for more than 5 years. I hold exceptional writing skills and assist the scholars in assignment writing tasks.
Home Care Assistance Fort Worth offers seniors the opportunity to age in place. Our mission is to help seniors to live the quality of life they deserve.
Moli is a ecosocial activist and designer that seeks solutions for world problems and how to implement them in simple ways that are accessible to people.
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Anees Masud is a Professional Web Developer and Innovative Designer, Graduated from university of phoenix as Bachelor in Software Engineering, He is Currently Working with Webby Giants a US based Software Company, which is offering website development and designing services.Need help? call.
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Lee Lorenzo Lynch (1980) is a filmmaker who holds a BFA in Film from California Institute of the Arts and an MFA in Fine Art from the University of Southern California. He splits his time between Reykjavik and Los Angeles with his filmmaker wife (Thorbjorg Jonsdottir) and son.
Home Care Assistance of Hunstville, Alabama is the best provider of 24/7 live-in care, enabling elders to live happy and independent lives in the comfort of their home. In home care Huntsville AL can greatly benefit seniors who are diagnosed with certain age-related diseases and want to live comfort
I founded Cooking Harmony in June 2017. My background is from hospitality as I basically grew up in that business and then later studied Hospitality Management in Chicago.
Home Care Assistance of Scottsdale offers hourly and live-in home professional care giving services to seniors by assisting to carry out daily jobs like meal preparation, gardening, grocery shopping, transportation to medical appointments.
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A citizen of the world who calls Iceland home. Polish by nationality, Kasia has always been drawn to explore and see where life will take her. She is a doer and always ready to jump on any exciting project and with The Space, she wants to create a new reality for herself and other like-minded people
Spindrift er norrænn sviðslistahópur sem starfar á Íslandi, Finnlandi og í Noregi.
Spindrift er orð yfir úða sem blásið er af vindinum af öldutoppum. Hann minnir okkur á leikræn átök og andstæða krafta sem vinna saman.
Artista Plástica, Cultural and social producer, Advertising, Researcher on Urban Art, Graffiti and Art Educator. Currently, I also volunteer in art projects with children and adolescents at risk, in research and development of collective actions in the city, focusing on the production of interventio
Artista Plástica, Cultural and social producer, Advertising, Researcher on Urban Art, Graffiti and Art Educator. Currently, I also volunteer in art projects with children and adolescents at risk, in research and development of collective actions in the city, focusing on the production of interventio
Painting, Performance, Art Education and Graphite
Painter of Scenarios and Great Walls and Graffiti.
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Born in 30 march 1985. Graduated from the Breiðholt College in department of Textile and Sewing in 2007. Studiet flower arrangements in Jordbrugets uddannelsescenter Aarhus in 2008. Finished a two year programme in Forming-Clay and Creative Composites in the Reykjavik School of Visual Arts in 2013.
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Tónlistarfélag Árbæjar hefur það að markmiði að efla ungt fólk í tónlist með því að veita því aðstöðu, bakland og stuðning til að skapa og æfa tónlist.
Wedding photographer Delhi | MIB Films in Delhi is a professional wedding photographer who specializes in candid, cinematic photographers. Pre-wedding shows the life of couples who are waiting to be the one Candid photography is about capturing souls not smile.
Ég heiti Sigríður og er þriggja barna sjálfstæð móðir. Ég er dóttir Sigurðar Hansen og Maríu Guðmundsdóttur. Ég vinn sem sérkennari á leikskóla og hef sérhæft mig í vinnu með börnum með röskun á einhverfurófi.
Ég hef fylgst með þessu verkefni frá upphafi og hef óbilandi trú á því sem koma skal!
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Ég er mikill frumkvöðull og uni mér best í að byggja upp verkefni með ólíkum einstaklingum og koma þeim á koppinn.
Hugmyndin að Eldstæðinu er sprottin út frá eigin þörf með lítinn köku og konfektgerðarrekstur. Það getur verið kostnaðarsamt að koma sér upp eigin framleiðslurými þegar um litla fram
Hugmyndin er að bjóða upp á kayakferðir og sjóstangveiði (optional), á austurlandi, með leiðsögn.
Bátarnir sem við ætlum að bjóða upp á eru mjög stöðugir "sit on top" kayakar með pedaldrive búnaði og er það öruggasta tegund af kayak sem til er.
Einnig verða ferðir í boði sem bjóða upp á að elda afla
Ég heiti Dagný Erla og er gift fimm barna móðir og á að auki tvö eldri fósturbörn. Ég er doulunemi, leiðbeinandi í meðgöngujóga, fæðingarundirbúningi og ungbarnanuddi hjá Mín hugsjón felst í að auka líkur verðandi foreldra á góðri fæðingarupplifun og hlúa að upphafi nýs lífs.
Leiðbeinandi í meðgöngujóga og fæðingarundirbúningi
Ég er grafískur hönnuður, ég hef nýtt mér mína þekkingu og þrjósku í að hanna íþróttafatnað sem ég sel undir merkinu Brandson. Ég hef myndað góð tengsl við mína framleiðendur og á mjög gott samstarf með þeim. Ég hef byggt þetta vörumerki upp úr engu og gerði nánst allt sjálfur til að byrja með.
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Ég er sjálflærður kvikmyndagerðamaður, hef gert heimildarmyndir og stuttmyndir og síðast var það stuttmyndin Rán sem hefur fengið verðlaun á hátíðum út um allan heim. Hefur verið sýnd í yfir 40 löndum.
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Simple qigong (chi kung) exercises can have a surprising beneficial impact on your health and well-being. Many controlled scientific studies have confirmed this, and the growing number of people practicing qigong exercises in parks and public spaces around the world attests to their effectiveness.
The clamps, jaw braces and other things that are supposed to keep your airway open at night, as well as jaw surgeries, can be a waste of money. They often just don't work.
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Unfortunately, this did not motivate me to lose weight. I was a single mother, not happy with the way I felt and looked in the mirror. I had developed a double chin. My clothes did not seem to fit right. I barely can move around. I did not recognize the young Hispanic woman anymore.
Thorbjorg Jonsdottir is an experimental filmmaker and visual artist from Iceland who holds a MFA in filmmaking from CalArts. Her films and video installations navigate between ethnography and abstract formalism, exploring preternatural states where oral-mythology and landscape collide.
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A sweet and dense powder, that can be added as an ingredient to many recipes. Some of my personal favorites are shakes, smoothies, brownies, and cakes. Cacao powder is made by compressing organic raw cacao beans to make a brown paste. The top layer of fat is removed from the paste.
The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat: A Change for the Better The best way to lose belly fat is to start by making small changes to your lifestyle. In the beginning, you might try drinking more water, increasing your fresh vegetable intake and exercising three days a week.
If a person is found to be pre-hypertensive, or hypertensive, then a doctor will normally identify a treatment plan. This may involve a number of lifestyle changes and dietary changes, and dependent upon the severity of the condition, there may be the need for medication to lower blood pressure .
Eigandi Kakalaskála ehf. og sérfræðingur í Sturlungu. Fékk heiðursmerki hinnar íslensku fálkaorðu árið 2015 fyrir miðlun á arfleifð Sturlungaaldar / Owner of Kakalaskáli and specialist in Sturlunga saga
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You may have heard people that following a healthy meal plan is believed to be one amongst the viable steps that will help keep your blood glucose level under control. But this isn't the end of the road, there are lots more other than following a healthy diet when it comes to controlling blood sugar
Take action against a sea of fat!The first step in achieving fat loss is to get active. Get off the sofa and have a positive mental attitude. Without this, you will have a problem. Remember, this is very short term pain, for fantastic long term gain. It is not difficult to lose weight reasonably .
Losing weight can be a depressing task. It can lead to frustrations, headaches, and sometimes even suicidal. God forbid you ever thought about that.You don't need to
Have you ever been on a date with someone, and your first kiss with them was aggressive, or just plain stiff? If you have, then this, of course, is a big no-no, right?
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Currently, the American Podiatric Medical Association feels that more research is necessary to determine both the short term and long term effects of barefoot running (APMA Position Statement on Barefoot Running). So for now happy running, whether you run with or without shoes, but tread carefully!
Dr. Christine Farlow has made it easy for you to identify which additives are harmful and which are not. In her handy pocket-sized book, FOOD ADDITIVES: A Shopper's Guide To What's Safe & What's Not, now in its 2004 revised edition, she classifies 800 commonly used food additives according to safet
The answer in short is yes, you can get more customers...and you can also loose your shirt if you hire the wrong person to get you your customers, or worse yet, you try to do it on your own.
Start keeping track of what you're eating, how much, and the time you eat it. To do this, you should have a food journal. This journal will help you know when, how much, and what you are eating. Never cheat in this notebook. You'll only be fulling yourself and you'll miss your objective. Use it to
The third one on the list is beverages. Never stock soda pops, soft drinks, and fruit juices in cans. These drinks must be limited because of the sugar content in them. These drinks are also loaded with empty calories. This can also ruin your metabolism which can drive your body to increase weight
Barrier Frustration Aggression caused due to frustration is often referred to as "barrier frustration" or "redirected frustration". Such aggression arises when the dog is unable to get to something and he gets frustrated. This frustration comes out in the form of aggression.
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Tough Mummer is your enthusiasm, education, and peace of mind that keep you active throughout your pregnancy, and then you will see “Recovery after Birth.”Tough Mummer will give you a free consultation before and after giving birth to give you the confidence you need and a professional guide. Theref
We are an independent charity that supports innovative breast cancer research across the UK.We believe far more can be done to help prevent breast cancer. That’s why we think it is time to move beyond breast cancer awareness to preventative action.
It is true that everything looks a lot better in the morning. There are just some days that things don't and won't go your way but definitely not every day is like that. So it would be best to just sleep it off. Tomorrow will be a better day.
Instead of taking pills to lose weight people suffering from obesity should slowly include an exercise routine in their daily life. A simple brisk walk for 20 minutes each morning or evening that will work up a sweat should suffice.
It may be necessary to take weight loss supplements but as mentioned these should be done after consulting a medical expert and never should be taken otherwise. One never knows what conditions may get aggravated if one loses weight too fastThe size and shape of our body has a huge impact, not only o
Can exercises really help you get rid of tummy fat? Or are they telling you lies? In fact, you can lose tummy fat. It works. However, it may not work the way you believe. Read on to learn how the exercises to get rid of tummy fat work.
The first place to start is to realize that you are already successful, you are alive you are constantly in a state of creation because you wake up each day and take action,
I make furry paintings and lively drawings.
I use tufting gun and pens, amongst few other things.
Sometimes I write poems.
Everyday I draw, all days I draw.
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The Cox-2 inhibitors, like Vioxx, Celebrex and others were originally touted as being true miracle drugs. Less than ten years later many are being pulled off the market because of life threatening side effects.
It is about your end goal at the end of your life that you may set out to be happy, find peace, be joyful, feel love within and you may never reach there.Standards to meet You may never give yourself the permission to experience.
How can you get from "not succeeding yet" to success? What would put the odds in your favor? Or, maybe you've achieved a great deal of success already, but want to raise the bar. Here's a suggestion. Get involved in a "Mastermind Group."
The bounce-back factor is the most prominent characteristic of successful people. Remember the 1960s slogan, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"? Successful people make lemonade with zest.
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If you are open to becoming a skilled listener, count on the Universe to present you with opportunities to hone that skill. Here is another example from my professional life:
Communication has never been more convenient and accessible than before because of the technological development through the years. If, in the past, people complained of limited information.
First, there are creams that can help you get rid of moles. They usually work by drying out the skin until the mole falls off.
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Taking one capsule of Phen24 Day before breakfast helps to kick-start your metabolism for the day. Two capsules of the stimulant-free Phen24 Night are to be taken in the evening to help prevent nighttime cravings and to sleep better.
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- Eat organic food in a mineral rich diet that consists of plenty of vegetables, greens, fruits and whole grains. Pineapple is particularly good for pain because it has a pain relieving ingredient, Bromelain, in it.
"This means that 30,000 to 50,000 deaths each year from various cause may now be attributable to fluoridation. This total includes the 10,000 to 20,000 deaths attributable to fluoride induced cancer each year."
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Weight loss technique that prevents diseases Burning fat is very important because, when you are gaining weight continuously, at that time, with your weight you are gaining many diseases like, diabetes, blood pressure and kidney disease, which also become a reason of your stress and sickness.
Check your local community and recreation center for baby and mum exercise classes. There are increasingly new online weight loss communities where you can network and schedule joint activities with other new moms in your area.
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You don't need to constantly go to a foot clinic to have them tended regularly. You can do your own foot spa at home just by using an effective cream for the feet and other spa essentials.
Bates developed various methods. Palming is one of them and it is an eye relaxation method when you close your eyes and place your palms over your eyes without any pressure. If the eyes didn't strain it would be pitch dark.
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Have you ever wanted to try meditating with binaural beats? Many people are interested in this, although a lot never get started, perhaps because they're afraid to try. It's a shame when you consider all the advantages that they have to offer.
Cataract is a kind of eye disease that occurs when the normal apparent lens in the eye, found at the back of the iris, becomes hazy. The lens which is the light focusing part of the eye is very essential to focus light .
The IOLs were available ever since in the middle of 1960s, however, the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S.A. did not consent of the non-natural lens embed until 1981. Embeds consist of 3 important components; an ovoid or round optic and 2 arc-shaped support arms known as haptics.
Like any mechanism, your body requires certain things to function properly and even optimally. When we understand food's role as fuel for our bodies, the problems with the vast majority of diets becomes clear. Flash diets -the kinds of diets that promise unrealistic results- are actually diets of de
Acute torticollis can have a variety of causes, but usually the cause is unknown; you just wake up in the morning with your neck hurting and stuck in a bad position. It is very common to see this type of severe neck pain after an automobile accident, sports injury, or other type of injury.
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My name is Þórsteinn Sigurðsson and I am a photographer from Reykjavík, Iceland. I graduated from Photography School of Iceland class of 2018. I run a small gallery/project space down town Reykjavík called Núllið Gallery. (Instagram: @nullidgallery)
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Swami Interior Design positions itself as a budget-friendly option for residential interior design services in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
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Strive Digital is a leading Web Development and Digital Marketing agency based in Ahmedabad, India. Our SEO strategies and tactics can enhance visibility on search engines and assist in leads and conversions for your website. Visit:
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Welcome to Diva, where elegance meets modern style. At Diva, we believe that every woman deserves to feel confident, beautiful, and empowered in what she wears. Our brand is dedicated to offering a diverse collection of high-quality, stylish, and timeless clothing.
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