The app was designed with the needs of dog owners in mind, when your dogs get loose, the app will let the people in your neighbourhood know that the dog got out and contact you easily, this will also work for cats, birds or other pets. The app will also have useful information on
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This project is now finished.


raised of €3,500 goal


days to go





Guffa Kristins

Ég er ung áhugamanneskja um hunda og hönnun
  • Hundamanneskja
  • Stjórnandi Hundasamfélagsins
  • Meðlimur í FÁH
  • animal lover


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Showing what the plan is for your project helps build trust with potential backers.

Týri týndi

  • Hönnun
  • Útlit
  • Bakendi
  • Framendi
  • Frumgerð áætluð 20.jan
  • Tenging við Dýrahjálp
  • Tilboð frá dýratengdum fyrirtækjum
  • Prufur jan/feb á appinu
  • Týndi Týri
  • Finna vin
  • Lokahönnun á útliti
  • Kynna appið

Further Information

About the idea

I got the idea after a Facebook group I manage, called Hundasamfélagið, started to have a lot of posts about lost dogs,and it was great to see how many lost dogs found their owner quickly through the page. Also we saw posts from people that had to pay a lot to get their dog from the dog catcher, and asking for help getting the money. So I started thinking how I could help owners finding their dogs more quickly and efficiently, with less stress and expense for the dog owner.

The app Týri

Týri is an app that serves dog owners, for example, to find friends for your dog in your neighbourhood and to make play dates. If you lose your dog, you can alert your neighbours and if they see or catch him they can call you and let you know through the app. You will be able to see local dog parks and make play dates there. Discounts and special offers from local stores, groomers, trainers and vet clinics will be collectible through the app. The app will also have extensive information about training, upcoming courses and informational lectures close you and including people‘s rating about them as well as your own rating. Getting that first puppy is a big step for many people and if you are one of them the app will offer all the information you will need as a new dog owner. Information like what harnesses and leads are recommended, what to buy for puppies, recommended youtube channels that can help you train your dog and teach him tricks and what websites offer good information about dogs.


This project is now finished.


raised of €3,500 goal


days to go




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