Then do it quickly but surely!
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An Icelandic textbook, flavored with idioms, proverbs, poetry and songs, which contains formulas explaining the structure of the language, accompanied by lots of exercises not only in writing but also in speaking the language - mainly by acting out scenes - written with the aim to make the study simple and fun.
And surely we've had fun. As you can see from those video clips, taken at the end of last term, showing how brilliantly my students perform the scenes (from 1st-17th chapter):
And here is a picture of my students (from last term) and me (who never intended to become a teacher and absolutely love this job):
It's a privilege to be in the company of these good and talented people who enrich our society.
Allar götur síðan árið 2006 hef ég kennt innflytjendum íslensku með þeim árangri að 95% þeirra hafa útskrifast með láði eftir 60 kennslustundir sem ég hef byggt á eigin námsefni og nú er ætlunin að gefa út; þ. e. kennslubók fyrir útlenda, skrýdda íslenskum málsháttum, máltækjum, ljóðum og lögum, sem hefur að geyma formúlur er skýra undirstöðuatriði íslenskrar málfræði (m.a. um fallbeygingu og persónubeygingu sagna) og fjölda æfinga bæði í rituðu og töluðu máli, þ. m. t. leiklestri; bók sem er stutt og einföld í sniðum en þó yfirgripsmikil - skrifuð með það að markmiði að nemandanum veitist lexían um íslenska sögu, list og tungu, létt.
You want to see a sample of the book? Then you're more than welcome. This is the 1st chapter - here especially translated to English for this occasion:
You want to see a recommendation from my school? Then voila - and if you don't understand it, come and learn Icelandic!
Menntasetrið við lækinn:
For class use, the book is ready, but for private study, it's not, as it needs a complete English glossary and a key to the exercises so that the student can learn the language without the teacher's help, which is why yours would be so greatly appreciated.
With beforehand my warmest thanks,
Aldís Schram
P.S. In case you'd like to get started now, then here is a test from the 1st chapter which you're welcome to send me by e-mail to get your results, if you make a pledge!
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