Mógil recorded a new CD last summer. We need help from you to take the last step, which is the production of the CD. Mógil's music blends folk, jazz, classical, minimal and post-rock into a universe that is completely their own, complemented by Icelandic lyrics. The release date is 12th of August.
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Further Information


When Heiða was graduating from KonCon in Holland she got Joachim to play with her a few Icelandic folk songs on her graduation concert. It started with folk songs from various countries and some works by John Dowland and developed into original songs. They got Hilmar and Ananta to join and we became Mógil. After getting a sponsorship they decided to record in a beautiful church in the south of Iceland and they made their CD . After their second CD, Í stillunni hljómar, Ananta decided to turn to other projects. Kristín and Eiríkur joined Mógil and here we are with the third CD on its way!

Mógil is vocalist Heiða Árnadóttir, Hilmar Jensson on guitar, Joachim Badenhorst on clarinet, Kristín Þóra Haraldsdóttir on viola and Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson on trumpet.

Mógil is an Iceland-based band whose music blends folk, jazz, classical, minimal and post-rock into a universe that is completely their own. The lyrics are inspired by Icelandic folklore and current events and tell the emotional stories of humans and mermen alike.

The world of Mógil is atmospheric, intimate and mysterious. It is always warm, be it from the midnight sun in summertime or the blaze of a fireplace in wintertime. The tension between the crystal-clear soprano and the very contemporary accompaniment together make for a timeless sound that knows no borders.

Mógil has performed at Iceland Airwaves, Reykjavík Jazz Festival and WOMEX World Festival and done several tours of Northern Europe. They released Ró in 2008, followed by Í stillunni hljómar in 2011, with a new album upcoming in 2015. Their music has been called “exquisite from beginning to end” (Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery, NYC) and proclaimed as “music that touches the soul” (The Silent Ballet, NYC).


After a great tour in Iceland in 2014 Mógil gathered in the studio Sundlaugin in Mosfellsbær and recorded Korriró. The CD was engineered by Kjartan Kjartansson who also did the mixing and mastering. The artwork is as usual in the hands of our Joachim Badenhorst and Kári Emil Helgason is doing the lay out for us.


Upphaf hljómsveitarinnar Mógil má rekja aftur til 2005 þegar Heiða útskrifaðist úr Tónlistarháskólanum í Haag í Hollandi. Þá fékk hún Joachim til liðs við sig til að spila á útskriftartónleikunum sínum. Þau byrjuðu á því að flytja þjóðlög frá ýmsum löndum og lög eftir John Dowland. Samstarfið þróaðist út í að þau byrjuðu að semja eigin lög. Þau fengu Hilmar og Anöntu til liðs við sig og þar með var Mógil komin af stað fyrir alvöru.
Mógil kom saman sumarið 2007 í Sólheimakirkju í Grímsnesi og tók upp diskinn sem síðan fékk nafnið . Eftir annan disk þeirra, Í stillunni hljómar, ákvað Ananta að snúa sér að öðrum verkefnum. Kristín Þóra og Eiríkur bættust þá í hópinn og nú er þriðji diskurinn á leiðinni.

Í hljómsveitinni Mógil eru Heiða Árnadóttir söngur, Kristín Þóra Haraldsdóttir víóla, Hilmar Jensson rafgítar, Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson trompet og Joachim Badenhorst klarinett. Tónlistin er samin er af hljómsveitarmeðlimum og textar eru eftir Heiðu, Vilborgu Dagbjartsdóttir, Hannes Pétursson og Árna Ísaksson.

Mógil hefur farið nokkrum sinnum í tónleikarferðalög um Ísland, Belgíu, Holland, Svíþjóð og Danmörku. Hún hefur spilað á ýmsum tónlistarhátíðum m.a. á Djasshátíð Reykjavíkur, Iceland Airwaves, Þjóðlagahátiðinni á Siglufirði og á WOMEX heimstónlistarhátíðinni.

Hljómsveitin hefur gefið út diskana árið 2008 og Í stillunni hljómar árið 2011. Báðir diskarnir hafa fengið góða dóma bæði hérlendis og erlendis.
Mógil tók upp nýjan geisladisk sumarið 2014 og mun hann koma út í ágúst 2015.


Eftir skemmtilegt tónleikaferðalag í júli 2014 komu vinirnir í Mógil saman í upptökuverinu Sundlauginni í Mosfellsbæ og tóku upp Korriró. Stjórnandi upptöku var Kjartan Kjartansson, hann sá einnig um hljóðblöndun og hljóðjöfnun. Joachim klarinettuleikari mun áfram sjá um að teikna myndirnar á diskinn og Kári Emil Helgason sér um hönnun.

A few quotes:

Other good times included the spindly chamber-folk tensions of Mógil!"
Rolling Stone senior writer David Fricke

"The music floats in a gauzy haze with the vocals delivered in a rich, soprano that has a folk-­based earthiness, contrasting with the very contemporary accompaniment. This not only gives the music a healthy tension but also a timeless feel."
The New York City Jazz record - NYC

"The best Belgian release at the moment"
Humo - Belgium

"Zusammen spielte das Quartett eine verzaubernde Musik"
Christoph Giese, Reykjavík Jazz festival

"Music for a new Iceland, Borderless genius"
MBL - Iceland

"I recommend Ró for listeners that are interested in looking beyond thehorizon"
Folk Rodels - Belgium

"Music that touches the soul"
The silent ballet - NYC

"Ró sounds warm and adventurous"
De Morgen - Belgium

"The music is intelligent and creative, highly recommended!"
Psychedelic folk - NYC

"Ró is exquisite from the beginning to the end"
Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery - NYC

If you would like to contact us here is our email adress

Some songs from our CD Í stillunni hljómar 2011

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