Mothers Against Murder is a printed photobook about 100 female activists in Iceland whom Alda Lóa Leifsdóttir has photographed and interviewed. The work is part of an exhibition, hundred portraits of Icelandic mothers, daughters and sisters activist and supporters of the people of Palestine.
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Seeking funding

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This project will only be funded if €30000 or more is pledged before 2024-10-15 00:00.


raised of €30,000 goal


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Alda Lóa Leifsdottir

Alda Lóa er blaðakona og ljósmyndari.


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Mæður gegn Morðum

  • Vinnsla efnis
  • Ljósmyndun
  • Textagerð
  • Yfirlestur
  • Myndvinnsla
  • Hanna vef og setja í loftið í september, 
  • Halda áfram að setja efni inn á vef í október og nóvember  2024
  • Prenta bók í nóvember
  • Sýning og útgáfuhóf í desember

Further Information

Mothers against Murders

Of the large and wide group of women in Iceland who have advocated for peace in Palestine, 100 women have been recruited to pose for a portrait photo shoot.

In short, the women tell about their participation and the reason for the peace struggle. Photos and interviews will be published in a book and website, which will then be distributed on the internet. The intention is to invite interviews for grants. Instead, philanthropists, companies and associations receive a book with 100 stories of human rights struggles and their name in the book and on the website, Mothers against Murder.

Mothers against murder tells the story of a struggle that can be found in every heart and gives mothers, sisters and daughters a voice and a witness to our common humanity.

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Seeking funding

Fund this project

This project will only be funded if €30000 or more is pledged before 2024-10-15 00:00.


raised of €30,000 goal


days to go



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