Campaign title
We are crowdfunding a brand named Thugmonk that exchanges products to raise funds for surgeries to prevent further damage on Sævars spine, who is already critically injured after an accident.
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In Progress

This project has been successfully funded and is now executing.


raised of €40,000 goal


days to go





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Thugmonk - Life saving surgeries for Sævar Kolandavelu.

  • Vöruhönnun og sköpun
  • Fjárhagsáætlun
  • Læknisfræðilegar greiningar og finna rétt teymi fagmanna
  • Samfélagsmiðlar og kynningarefni
  • Blueprint fyrir hátækniverkefni og vörusölu eftir aðgerð
  • Setja saman rétta teymið. 
  • Opna vefsíðu
  • Klára hönnun á vörum af vöruskrá
  • Klára tæknilegan og vísindalegan undirbúning fyrir 3 fyrirhugaðar aðgerðir
  • Framleiða pantanir og senda stuðningsaðilum
  • Undirgangast 3 mánaða meðferðaráætlunina

Further Information

Sævar has a torn hip from the spine, three loose spinal vertebras, a congenital multiple lower limb musculoskeletal deformity, resulting in cascading 16 injuries up the spinal column from untreated trauma, and has gone through an incredible ordeal over the last years in search of a cure and is at the very least severely injured after being left unattended by the Icelandic healthcare system for seven years in agonizing pain, relating to horrific cases within the Icelandic healthcare system.

He created the Facebook page "Rétturinn að lifa" or "The right to live" where countless patients share their cases in Iceland.

In march 2024, one of the world's most experienced spinal surgeons and professors welcomed him in Turkey, positive that he had the proper medical education and environment to treat Sævar's condition.

Sævar had sent documents to a contact.

The documents were:

- A short essay about his issue, the first of its kind, and an analysis of it.

- An x-ray report with key images, references to scientific articles, drawn explanatory figures, and analysis of the issues visible with imaging technology.

- A "Five-Year Case" - A brief explanation of the problem, what needed to be done, and how.

These documents (samples above) were written by himself, over a period of four years in which he has been severely injured and had no other choice, but to work on his own case with precise documentation of all pathologies, images and diagnosis, being 79 pages, which gives some idea how complex and serious the situation has become.

The injury started with a trauma to ligaments to his hip and spine complex, tearing his hip away from the lumbar spine, resulting in severe increasing spinal damage that was left untreated by Icelandic doctors.

He has already undergone two surgeries abroad, where his rib had to be removed due to ligament damage, becoming subluxated, blocking vains in his neck, a potentially life-threatening situation, and even though that was necessary, it further weakened his overall bodily function.

He's had to do all the research himself and provide the medical costs, and constant travels over the world to fight for his diagnosis to be accepted in the medical community in this physical condition, which is a rare case of its kind.

The professors's name is Amzi Hamzagolu.

Here, you can read about his career and under publications, and the approximately 40 scientific articles published by him, and specializes in rare and difficult cases.

He spent majority of his training in Minnesota spine center, the leading institution scientifically in spine surgery and studied under Kiyoshi Kaneda, a pioneer and a five time ISSFC lifetime achievement winner for his contribution to the science of medicine, and is regarded as exceptional by his peers, and many do not shy away from the word genius to describe his work.

After he and his team of orthopedic and brain and neurosurgeons spent a week going over the case documents, he explained briefly they agreed with the diagnosis, and that surgeries need to be performed to correct the deformity of his leg and hip joint, and finally stabilize his lowest three spinal vertebrae, sacrum and pelvis bone together.

Finally, his battle for a official diagnosis being confirmed has come to a end and Amzi Hamzagolu and his team are working to prepare his treatment.

To prevent further injuires, which are deteriorating, to not lead to paralysis or worse, and end his suffering , 7 million isk are needed, and up to now he and his family have paid more than that amount from own savings to keep him alive to this point.

It's been a long journey, and he had to put his life and personal aspirations aside to put all his effort into it - now being close to making the miracle he awaited to happen, and every gesture helps.

To meet the anticipated cost, we have established a non profit brand that sells products, hemp tea, matcha tea, meditation bracelets, malas, incense, and more.

Hopes are that Sævar's work, which solved his case that many doctors were unable to, can continue after his case is handled successfully, to diagnose difficult cases and develop creative solutions in collaboration with specialists in charity work for patients in similar situations, will be a natural continuation of this project, and a newfound devotion now that he's become aware of the current reality many patients face.

Sævar is a 38 year old father, musician, writer and has the will to make his life experiences count, with a silverlining in this ordeal to be the discovery of his rare ability to understand scientific topics in ways that seem complex to others.

He has accidentally been directed towards a path he did not know he could make relevant contributions to the world through, and developed a passion for using his life, if he gets another chance, to ease the reality for other patients, both through the practice of scientific innovation and treatment of patients and contributing to his society in meaningful ways.

Your help will be crucial at these crossroads to change this long story of agony and suffering into something purposeful.

Your contribution will not only pay for his surgery and give him a life worth living, but also invest in establishing a new path forward towards achieving the newfound goals in life, a vision that has also inspired us around him to see this as an important social project, not only driven by the love and faith of good deeds, but also because of the impact we see he has had on his community, if he could achieve this far despite the adverse circumstances, what he can do with his story when he is back in a normal state.

Now a group of people has formed who share the same vision, with the awareness that the success of each other is linked to one another, to create and maintain a healthy community in times when individuals are facing the consequences of modern society, when help is needed but solutions are limited by the design of capitalism.

As the team responsible for the success of Sævar, we have had painful experiences and mourn close friends who lost their lives due to limited resources within the Icelandic healthcare system, which should not be so.

Now that we have witnessed the struggles of Sævar here in the country, we have familiarized ourselves and learned about the opportunities offered in the sciences, and we want to dedicate our lives to changing what needs to be changed here in collaboration with people who have the will, skill and knowledge to make positive changes.

In Progress

This project has been successfully funded and is now executing.


raised of €40,000 goal


days to go




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