The first opera where AI writes the libretto! Can ChatGPT write a libretto? Can a composer write an opera to that libretto with satisfying results? Hrólfur Sæmundsson and his associates are about to find out! The project is partly funded by the Icelandic composers guild.
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Hrólfur Sæmundsson

Undirritaður er óperusöngvari og tónskáld. Útskrifaður með meistaragráðu í tónlist frá New England Conservatory í Boston árið 2001. Á 20 ára ferli sem óperusöngvari hefur undirritaður sungið stór hlutverk í óperum um allan heim. Meðfram söngstörfum hefur undirritaður einnig stundað tónsmíðar.
  • Composing


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Ný íslensk ópera byggð á gervigreind

  • Hugmyndavinna með Sævari Finnbogasyni, heimspekingi og sérfræðingi í gervigreind, Ramonu Bartsch leikstjóra fór fram í júlí og er lokið.
  • Lok ágúst: Gervigreindin ritar leiktextann.
  • September-Desember: Hrólfur semur tónlistina.
  • Sumar 2024: Óperan flutt.

Further Information

Composer/Singer Hrólfur Sæmundsson writes an opera with a libretto by AI.

The idea is to explore the possibilities of ChatGPT and AI within an artistic context. I will document the whole process on video, and it will be published on my YouTube channel.

Hrólfur has worked with the Philosopher, Sævar Finnbogason, who teaches courses on AI and modern philosophy at the University of Bifrost, and the Stage Director Ramona Bartsch to develop the modus operandi.

He will give himself 30 minutes to prompt ChatGPT to write the Libretto. The goal is to interfere as little as possible with the “creative process” of the writing. Therefore he will start with asking the AI to come up with 5 synopsis for an opera. Then he will pick one, and ask it to use that synopsis as basis for the actual libretto, and use the 30 minutes to tweak it as best as possible. Then he will write the best opera he can with that given text. The timeline he has given himself for the completion is 3 months, an have put my other projects, a blooming singing career, on halt, and will focus exclusively on this project for the 3 months.

The opera will be performed next summer under the direction of Ramona Bartsch. The project has already sparked interest in Iceland, Germany and Denmark.

About us

Hrólfur Sæmundsson is an opera singer and composer. He graduated 2001 with a Master’s degree in Music from the New England Conservatory in Boston. In the last 20 years he has sung main roles in opera houses around the world. Alongside his singing, he has composed works that have been performed in Iceland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, France and the USA.

Sævar Finnbogason is a philosopher and university professor. He teaches courses on the use of ChatGPT.

Ramona Bartsch is a German stage director. She has been under contract with the Opera House in Aachen since 2015. Her last production was “Flight” by Jonathan Dove.

Hrólfur Sæmundsson’s previous compositions

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