Futuregrapher's new album SKYNVERA is in the making - and he needs your help in making it.
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raised of €2,500 goal


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Árni Grétar Jóhannesson

Árni Grétar (born 6 December 1983), best known under the pseudonym Futuregrapher, is an electronic musician.


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Album production

  • Packaging and layout
  • Mixing
  • Mastering
  • Manufacturing the product
  • Send rewards to supporters

Further Information

Hi everybody - my family, friends and fans :)

“Oh I get by with a little help from my friends”, sang the drummer and legend Ringo Starr. And today I ask you guys for your help - and instead I will get you high with music and not sing out of tune (not at all, for that matter).

My next record ‘Skynvera’ is in the making and I need your help in getting the record out, and into your ears - because vinyl / CD format is expensive for an independent artist like myself. I will reward you with music, love and hugs.

All music is by me. The cover art will be made by Arnór Kári (you have enjoyed his graffiti art around Reykjavík for years) and the album will be mastered by my friend Jóhann Ómarsson (the great Skurken). It contains music from my life since I got sober in 2012 and was recorded at my home - by the infamous Ingólfstorg.

Like Princess Leia said: “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi (you all are my Jedi knights). You're my only hope.”

Árni Grétar - Futuregrapher

Hæ allir - fjölskylda, vinir og aðdáendurnir :)

“Oh I get by with a little help from my friends”, söng trommarinn og goðsögnin Ringo Starr. Og í dag bið ég ykkur um hálp - og í staðin mun ég gefa ykkur tónlistarvímu og ekki syngja fyrir ykkur (sem er gott).

Mín næsta plata ‘Skynvera’ er að verða tilbúin og ég þarf ykkar hjálp að koma henni út og í ykkar eyru - því að vínyl / geisladisk framleiðsla er dýr fyrir óstuddan tónlistarmann eins og mig. Ég mun í staðinn borga ykkur í tónlist, knúsi og ást.

Öll tónlist er eftir mig. Hönnun á umslagi er eftir snillinginn Arnór Kára og platan verður tónjöfnuð af vini mínum Jóhanni Ómarssyni (hinum frábæra Skurken). Platan inniheldur tónlist frá því að ég varð edrú árið 2012 og var tekin upp á heimili mínu við Ingólfstorg.

Eins og Leia Prinsessa sagði: “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi (þið eruð öll mínir Jedi riddarar). You're my only hope.”

Árni Grétar - Futuregrapher

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This project is now finished.


raised of €2,500 goal


days to go



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