A documentary about overcoming obstacles and making ideas become real adventures.
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--- English description below ---
Í ágúst 2014 ætla fræknar konur í fjögurra daga ferð á kanóum á Temagami vatni en það er um 500 km norður af Toronto í Kanada. Temagami svæðið er draumaland kanóræðara en þar eru ótal vötn, ár og fjölbreytt plöntu- og dýralíf. Hópurinn mun róa um svæðið, um ár, vötn og víkur. Ferðin er óvenjuleg fyrir þær sakir að félagi í hópnum, Snædís, reiðir sig á hjálpartæki og aðstoðarfólk í sínu daglega lífi, en hún er hreyfihömluð og með samþætta sjón- og heyrnarskerðingu. Kanósigling í þessu umhverfi er ekki einungis fyrir augað heldur virkjar hún flest skynfæri. Hreyfing vatnsins kemur fram í ruggi bátsins, veiddur verður fiskur úr vatninu og matreiddur á ljúffengan hátt sem kitlar nef og bagðlauka og lyktað og þreyfað á framandi blómum og trjám. Hlýtt loftslag mun ylja þátttakendum í bátum og á árbökkum en sofið verður í tjöldum í hljóðum óbyggðanna og buslað í sumarheitu vatninu. Í hópnum eru, auk Snædísar, tvær reynslumiklar kanadískar kanóleiðsögukonur Olivia og Frances, þrjár konur sem lengi hafa unnið með Snædísi, Védís, Þorgerður og Halldóra og kvikmyndagerðakonan Halla.
Viðfangsefni heimildamyndarinnar er upplifun og samskipti hópsins í friðsælli náttúru óbyggða Temagami. Verkefni hópsins er krefjandi en hann leggur áherslu á að sigrast á því með samvinnu, jákvæðu viðmóti og seiglu. Hópurinn stefnir að því að yfirstíga þær daglegu samfélagslegu hindranir sem Snædís þarf að takast á við svo að hún fái notið óbyggðanna eins og aðrir. Saman lærir hópurinn að synda á móti straumnum og það er vonandi að heimildamyndin verði hvatning fyrir aðra að gera slíkt hið sama. Allt er hægt með hugrekki, eldmóði og lausnamiðaðri samvinnu.
Handrit myndarinnar og efnistök verður samstarfverkefni leikstjórans, Höllu Ólafsdóttur og þátttakenda verkefnisins. Efni myndarinnar verður fyrst og fremst tekið upp við Temagami vatn sem verður rammi verkefnisins.
--- English description ---
In the last week of August 2014, seven women will meet up in Toronto, Canada and head north to Temagami. There, they will embark on a four-day canoe journey through a Western section of the lake system, camping on the shore, cooking over the fire, and sleeping to the sounds of the wilderness. What sets this canoe expedition apart from many of the other parties canoeing in Ontario this summer is that one member of the group uses significant assistance in her daily life as a result of living with BVVL syndrome. Snædís, the VIP of the trip, is an inspiring example of the power of mind over matter.
The aim of the trip is to participate and learn from an experience of coming together, to share strengths in an unexpected way, to achieve an amazing task- something that was previously not thought possible for some of us. Snædís is a charismatic and motivated individual who refuses to let her physical abilities and social challenges restrict her enjoyment of life. It is the goal and pleasure of our team to break down some of the barriers that exist for Snædís to explore and enjoy the outdoors, and all learn a little bit about confronting obstacles in our own lives.
We hope that the documentary film will do justice to our excitement about the trip itself, but will also be inspiring for others to tackle challenges of their own with teamwork, enthusiasm, and a little ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking. The main subject of the film will be Snædís- her positive attitude, humour, and ideas as the inspiration and focus for the content of the film and the group’s friendship as well. The group will navigate travel in a foreign country, through the beautiful central Ontario wilderness. We hope to portray a unique sensory experience of the natural space, with undertones of value of outdoor adventure and recreation, and the grounding and peaceful experience of canoe travel. Our all-female team will consist of: two experienced Canadian canoe guides, Olivia and Frances, three Icelandic women who have extensive experience supporting Snædís, Védís, Þorgerður and Halldóra, one filmmaker, Halla, and of course, Snædís herself.
Located about 500 kms north of Toronto, Temagami is a canoeist's paradise. Home to Temagami First Nation, countless lakes and rivers, and many wildlife, Temagami offers an excellent balance of access to wilderness and wildlife with ease and accessibility of travel and support. The area offers a variety of sizes of waterways that are easily accessible by road and provide many reliable options for emergency evacuation and support, if necessary. Our canoe guides have spent many weeks guiding expeditions through the lakes and rivers of Temagami and are convinced that paddling in the area is the perfect introduction to any new canoe-tripper. At the end of August, there are few mosquitos and the lake has become warm after the summer. Warm days and cool nights provide plenty of opportunities to experience the environment. The canoe plays with Snædís's senses, she experiences the movement of the canoe, the taste of the food, the heat and the touch of the water.
The script and development of the film will be a continuous collaboration of the director, Halla Ólafsdóttir, and the participants of the project. The documentary will mostly be filmed in the trip to Temagami lake and that will be the framing of the documentary.
Estimated delivery time for rewards: August 2014 – May 2015
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