Vinyl album release
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Sveinn is a singer/songwriter from Hafnarfjörður, Iceland who came out in the end of 2013 with his debut album "Fyrir herra Spock, MacGyver og mig" (For mister Spock, MacGyver and me).
Since then he has performed here and there, in cafe´s and pubs, museums and swimming pools and even one time outside of Iceland.
"Skrifstofuplanta" (Office Plant) is the name of Sveinn Guðmundsson´s new album which will be released in a short time.
Sveinn has been recording it gradually over the last three years in Studio Aldingarðurinn with producer Magnús Leifur Sveinsson.
All the songs have been recorded and the album is now being mastered.
The album consist of eight songs. Six of them are written by Sveinn, one song "Ábót" is co-written with Sveinn´s sister Helga Guðmundsdóttir and one song "Dansinn" is a cover of a song by their fathers band "Randver" and composed by "Randver´s" guitarist Jón Jónasson to a poem by Icelandic folk poet Káinn.
Two singles from the album are already out and the third one is on its way. The two songs that are out are called "Húð og hár" (Hair and skin) and "Drasl" (Disorder).
"Húð og hár" (Hair and skin) is Sveinn's attempt to combine biological facts about the body´s deterioration and regeneration abilities with the New Age/hippie hypothesis that we are all connected, all one.
The song is therefore very scientific yet has a warm message.
"Drasl" is a song that came into being at a point in time when Sveinn realised that the state of his belongings and the state of his mind was the same. Everything was in a mess, in disorder, everywhere, in his room and in his mind.
When he realised this he started to tidy up.
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