Easy readers for adults of foreign origin
About the book
New Path, is book with 12 easy reader´s stories, for people of foreign origin who would like to improve their Icelandic skills, and previously finished with basic levels. The idea of this book came from my friend Becky, she is from Spain and has been here since 1995. She told me that there is need for this kind of books here in the market, for people of foreign origin that are fun to read. I have worked with people of foreign origin and enjoyed to write, therefore I have decide to write this book.
The book´s content is about Icelandic culture, language, old and new customs. Old and new words and phrases are explained in an easy and fun way, so everybody is able to understand. The stories are full of fun, different variety and positive, so people will like them and approach it with open mind. Each story is independent and are about adventures, we go to a world of animals,still objects are given life, and people learn new things and many more.
The main goal for this books is that people of foreign origin, will be quicker to learn to read and write. Which follows when people start talking Icelandic. People will be faster to fit into the society, they will be able to read more and understand the language.
In order for the book to become reality and get into the hands of those who needed. Will your contribution mean a lot, and we are very thankful for your kind help. Special education teachers said; “that schools which are teaching adults need these types of books.” Imagine all that people who came to Iceland and change something for good in our society. If they just gave up and left, that would have been great lost. We have to take action and help people to adapt to our society. This book are one step of the many steps forward to building the new Icelanders.
About the writer
I was born and raised in Mosfellsbæ, I live in the suburbs in Reykjavík with my partner. At the year 2008 I took two writing courses “Frá Neista yfir í nýja bók”´from ”Continuing Education University of Iceland” After that my imagination got active much more than before, now I have written eight stories for adults, besides this book. I like telling people stories and bring new characters to live. I am a Diet cook and have work as such. Few years later I graduated from college, I have taken two computer courses in Nýja tölvu og viðskiptaskólanum. I have worked a variety of work fields and I fancy all oft hem
Since 2002 I have been an active JCI member and for two years I was an editor of the Newspaper, which people liked very much. I took part of many projects and Strategic Management. From December 2014 to February2018 I was an editor of the website Betri fréttir, which published only positive news, stories, jokes and as well I took interview with very well-known Icelandic people. People was very pleased with the website. The year 2015 I was appointed a Senator, which means I am live long member this is a great Honor for me.
I have many hobbies besides writing like traveling abroad and in Iceland, mountain walking, other languages and many others. I have lived in Spain for a half a year to learn the language and culture and as well in a village in the country side of Iceland for two years.
Samples of my stories
The little mouse Angela lives with her parents and three sisters in a hole. One day she decide to take a look around the world. She goes out of the hole, runs over the grass and manage to escape from Board the eagles. He gets furious and she hide sunder a car.
Board roams around the car but he gives up and leaves. Angela starts running again and manage to across the street and to one of the houses which she is captivated. She finds a small hole and goes inside. She follow the good smell and keeps on walking until she finds a pile of bags. She starts to shew one of those bags and out comes corn. Angela is very happy and start to eat and it does not stop until she cannot eat more. Angela looks around for a place to live and finds a shot of one corner.
Noah the cat decides to go for a walk after lunch. Hewalks out of the big garden in to the side walk but he had to be very carefulthat the people will not walk on him.
- Look at the little cat, some onesays.
He looks up and there is a beautiful girl with a ponytails and a wonderful summer dress. She is holding her mom´s hands, he is proud of himself that he walks on his way. He looks to both sides and decide to run a cross the street. He has to be very careful so cars don´t run over him but first he has to jump over water well. He jumps and gets over the water well very easily. He is very happy that he manage do that then he across the street without getting wet. Suddenly a car drives in to the water well and make Noah soaking wet. He shake off the water.
- Wow!!!This was not good,he says and shakes himself again.
He walks along the sidewalk and comes to a garden, he decides to in to the garden at take a look.
- This garden is so beautiful.
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