Skandali is a vehicle for young authors to get their works out. Independent, cheap, but well edited to produce something you will want to own. We plan to publish twice a year (spring/fall) and arrange readings and other event throughout the year, to (long term) form a sustainable creative community.
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raised of €2,500 goal


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Financing & Advertisement

  • Financial viability study
  • Application(s) for grants
  • Negotiating advertisements
  • Financing project via Karolinafund
  • PR-campaign via social media
  • Event planning and physical advertising

Editorial process

  • Collecting material for first issue
  • Editorial read-though & selection
  • Principal editing
  • Secondary read-though
  • Further editing
  • Proof-reading

Publication process

  • Cover design
  • Layout design
  • Final proof-read
  • Printing
  • Distribution

Further Information

About the Project

Those who pay attention to these matters know that it isn't easy as a young and unknown author, artist, poet to get yourself noticed. There is a wide gulf between high school magazines and getting published by a major publishing house, filled with only by a handful of literary magazine and the risky business of self-publication.

Skandali is an attempt to remedy this situation, to provide further options especially for the young and adventurous. The idea is to publish a cheap, but well edited literary magazine that would sell for just enough to cover expenses. In particular we want to welcome the unconventional, the weird, the experimental, especially when produced by those who have yet to make a name for themselves.

More than that, the long term goal is to get people like that on board and create a collective of creative individuals. The editorial board would thus be subject to regular to change, and everyone who wants to participate in some fashion will be welcome to do so in whatever way is possible each time. We also plan to host regular public readings, and hopefully also form more intimate discussion and appreciation groups that could meet 1-2 a month. In short, this is about more than publishing a paper.

When it comes to material we plan to publish all kinds of textual works, as well as drawings and other art. Poetry, articles, short stories, microfiction, serial stories, short plays, cultural critiques, and all manner of experimental and fragmentary stuff that blurs all lines. Also we will seek to publish in other languages than Icelandic, the only requirement being that we can arrange a proof-reading. Additionally we will make particular effort to read through and provide advice for all would-be contributors, even when we feel publication to be impossible for now.

In light of the expenses involved in physical publication we are relying on advertisements, grants and other means of raising funds to secure the basis for the first issues, in the hope that sales revenues will go some way towards maintaining the project from there on. The first step is this current project, here at Karolinafund. We are relying on you to make the first issue possible. All those who contribute even the smallest amount will get their name on a list of supporters in the first issue and are invited to come to the release party and get to know us better.

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How this Works

Skandali is a cooperative project open to all. The only requirement being that those participating contribute something, be it material, helping to proof-read, arranging for advertisements, selling issues, delivering, etc. The editors at each time will handle management and select material for each issue but the plan is that in due course new people will come in as others step aside, thus renewing the editorial team continuously.

Current editors

Aldís Dagmar Erlingsdóttir is a graphic designer, textile designer, artist and poet with a D-level IPMA certificate in project management. She has participated in and worked with a number of art and literary collectives, as well as producing, designing and managing. She has project managed, done layout design and published original works in the Fríyrkjan publications. She is the in house graphic designer at FALK records and has done sculptures and instalments and other artworks at LungA (2018), Delta Total (2015), Myrkramessa (2016), Myrkramakt (2015) and Mayhemisphere (2014)among other works. Additionally she was artistic director at YMUR 2015-16.

Anton Sturla Antonsson is a 27 year old studying philosophy as the University of Iceland. He is a lifetime lover of the written word and has been writing since the womb. He has had several short stories published in the literary magazine Stína and his BA project in English was the short novella, The Machine. Anton is also very much interested in editing and the intricacies of the publication process.

Jón Magnús Arnarsson graduated from the acting- and performance of the Commedia School in Copenhagen in 2013. Since graduation he has starred in two one man shows at the Act Alone festival in Suðureyri. He is a founding member of the Golden Gang Comedy group which hosts regular English language comedy nights at Gaukurinn and The Secret Cellar, Iceland's first dedicated comedy club. Jón Magnús was also one of the spokespeople for the Reykjavik Fringe Festival in 2018. Jón Magnús is the reigning national champion in slam poetry and will be competing at the world championship in Nottingham this year 2019. His first major play, Tvískinnungur, premiered at the Reykjavík city theatre last year to great reviews.

Karitas M. Bjarkardóttir is currently studying Icelandic as the University of Iceland, as well as working at the National radio and television. At only 18 years she has already published two volumes of poetry as well as a short chapbook. Since then she has had a number of her haikus published in Tímariti Máls og menningar and was invite to read at the annual women's rights day last year.

Oddný Þorvaldsdóttir is a 22 year old student currently finishing her BA in philosophy and film studies at the University of Iceland. She has a long standing interest in literature, in particular cultural critiques. He has been an editor at the University students annual publication two years running, having also published original drawings in said magazine.

Tanja Rasmussen is, at 21, a writer, publisher and owner of Kallíópa publishing. Her stated aim is to aid young up and coming authors taking their first steps. She is also studying Icelandic and creative writing at the University of Iceland and reading a bunch. She has written the award winning novella Undir yfirborðinu.

Ægir Þór is thirty years old. He has a BA in history and philosophy and is currently finishing his MA in philosophy. His first volume of poetry, Ódýrir endahnútar, came out last year and he has also published poems, short stories and translations in a number of literary magazines. Ægir is the founder of Endahnútar publishing. He has also long been active in the poetry scene in Reykjavík, having hosted regular reading for close to three years.

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In Progress

This project has been successfully funded and is now executing.


raised of €2,500 goal


days to go



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