Action and ceremony festival - an ecosocial land-based project that takes place on 5ha of lava field, close to Þorlákshöfn, Iceland
We adapt permaculture to nordic conditions
Picture by Sara G.Amo
Picture by Isabelle Praher who also led setting up a set of instruments developed from what we scavenged at the disposal sites.
Welcome to Sandar Suðursins, an ecosocial project where we create the environment for people and plants to grow. We have access to the county’s organic disposal site, dumps of companies in the towns around and the knowledge to turn what society has thrown away into valuables and nutritious soil.
Most projects need a lot of funding to buy all kinds of stuff and things - but that is not the case with us. We use what society throws out so we only need pocket money to pick up all the materials needed, create comfortable sleeping places and get food into our bellies.
Sandar Suðursins is an ecosocial land-based project that takes place on 5ha of lava field, close to Þorlákshöfn. The lava is covered with black sand and a few patches of lupine - a great nitrogen-fixing plant that helps us build up fertility. The aim of the project is using what society disregards but which can easily be turned into resources to enhance life on our land. We use regenerative gardening techniques, based on permaculture design.
Create a food forest with ample yields.
Set up a great place for events that help people connect to nature.
Offer a space to host educational events.
Develop and try methods to create value from what society throws away.
We already have a few features and we will improve and add this summer while having a great time.Picture by Sara G.Amo
We have access to the county organic disposal site so our projects focus on using the resources there. This summer we are creating shelter and conditions for plants so they can thrive.
Branch-upsWe need to build up fertility on the land. The first step is setting up mounds, which we call “branch-ups”. Branch-ups are branches taken from the county’s disposal site that we prepare in a specific way. Then we add a lot of compost and the branches will start to break down and create soil. In addition, these mounds shelter us from winds and we control the water flow of the area. After one year, the mounds have broken down enough for pioneer plants to be planted.The mounds also become a home to plants that will create a fertile ground and possibility for bigger plants to thrive.
Raised pallet bedsWe will build raised grow beds with transport pallets as frames, using one year old compost as the grow medium and other organic materials at hand. These grow beds will be set up to attract earthworms and to compost the food scraps that are created on site. It is possible to grow plants directly in the grow bed while adding compost to it. Earthworms can thrive most of the year because of a pipe that goes into the grow bed and feeds the earthworms below the root area.
Building Branch-ups is a lot of fun and good exercise. They create great camping areas with privacy and shelter. Picture by: Sara G.Amo
Moli offering ceremonial cacao from Guatemala which will also flow this year.
Picture by: Sara G.Amo
This July we are hosting the festival “Athöfn”. Athöfn has two meanings in Icelandic: “action” and “ceremony”. It is a weekend festival with action-based learning, ceremonies and co-created action supported by the festival organizers. The area is off-grid and has close to no vegetation. We will turn this barren wasteland into a brilliant festival area like we did last year when we hosted the Nordic Permaculture Festival. Festival participants take part in increasing the biodiversity of the area, creating healthy social dynamics and taking part in forming a movement that cares for its social and natural environment.
There will also be a theme week before the festival where people co-create a very similar environment but in a more informal manner. The Athöfn theme week starts on July 18th and evolves until the festival where it blooms.
Examples of actions:Building raised grow beds from pallets, setting up mounds to create fertility, foraging herbs in the sand, beachcombing, making charcoal, improving event spaces, setting up and using our outdoor exercise area.
Ceremonies:Raw ceremonial grade cacao with meditation, dance, chanting and more. Fire, sharing, music and what people agree to set up together.
The festival will take place from July 26th - 29th. The entrance fee is 11.000 isk. Participants who take part in three days of the theme week pay only 1.100ISK as they are part building up the area and creating a community-spirit.
We are asking you to take part in building great environments by supporting us so we can feed volunteers, create a shelter for them and for gasoline on our vehicles so that we can pick up materials to build up our land.
The outdoor scavanged instruments created many great moments which inspired us to work towards a similar project at the Athöfn theme days.
Picture by: Isabella Praher
Singing, playing and having fun while healing/connecting to nature is amazing. Come on over and experience it at Athöfn.
Picture by: Sara G.Amo
The sand offers a lot of opportunities for games and fun, when people take their fate in their hands, they can live the greatest of lives.
Picture: Sara G.Amo
The yurt will be up and ready to host great ceremonies, we are always building up our area but this year we will focus on being "Huldufólk" or Hidden people which are the mythical beings living in big rocks in Iceland. Our structures must all fall into the environment and no trace left behind.Picture by: Sara G.Amo
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