Campaign title
Bone & Marrow has been developing an Icelandic bone broth and would now, with your help, bring it to market.
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raised of €6,000 goal


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Jón Örvar G. Jónsson

Stofnandi og eigandi Bone & Marrow ehf. Doktorsnemi í Umhverfis- og Auðlindafræði við Háskóla Íslands.
  • Food
  • Sustainability
  • Ecological Economics
  • Ecosystem Services
  • Agriculture

Björk Harðar

Stofnandi og eigandi Bone&Marrow ehf
  • Food
  • Agriculture
  • Sustainability

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Beinaseyði í verslanir

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  • Fá starfsleyfi
  • Dreifing til styrktaraðila
  • Dreifing í verslanir

Further Information

Access to high quality nutrition is more important than ever! At the same that food options seem to increase day by day, people are looking for food of high quality free from additives and fillers. People are looking products for clean food, nutritious food that has stood the test of time. We at the Bone& Marrow are on a mission to bring ancestral based nutrition to the modern man. We offer products that are simple, clean and with no fillers or additives.We believe that to make good decisions, be healthy and strong, people need high quality food. The nutrient content of ancestral food is such that it could be rightly labelled superfood. Ancestral based foods have not been fashionable for the last several decades, at least not here in the West. The tides are though turning. We at Bone & Marrow are introducing our first product to market based on ancestral nutrition, Icelandic bone broth.

Bone broth is one of humanities oldest cooked meal. The knowledge about this healthy drink has been known for hundreds, if not thousands of years and in many parts of the world, there is long standing traditions for consuming bone broth. In the last few years, there has been an increased demand for high quality bone broth, especially in the West. It is the healing nature of bone broth that people are seeking. Many feel that it helps with their skin, their gut and their joints.

Bone broth is a slowly simmered animal bones mixed with vegetables and herbs. We use Icelandic water, Icelandic animal bones, vegetables and herbs. We select only high ingredients for the production of bone broth. We carefully select a combination of bones so we get a good profile of joints, cartilage and marrow. During the cooking process, collagen protein is released from the bones,fat from the bone marrow and various other nutrients from the cartilage and joints, for examples glycosaminoglycan and various amino acids such as glycine,proline and L-glutamine. To ensure the proper release of nutrients from the bones, they are slowly simmered for 20+ to 72 hours and during that time processed in a delicate manner. Near the end of the cooking process, vegetables and herbs are added to the pot.

Our bone broth is ready to use straight from the jar. You can drink it hot as you would drink tea or coffee. It is convenient in between meal, as a protein drink and recovery drink after strenuous exercise. It is a great base for soups and sauces, to braise meat or vegetables or boil rice in. In fact, bone broth can be added to everyone’s favourite dish. Some prefer sipping it slowly and drink perhaps one cup in the morning or one as a nightcap.

The first version of our line of Icelandic bone broth is lamb bone broth. The ingredients in the lamb bone broth are – Icelandic water, Icelandic lamb bone,bell pepper, onion, red onion, thyme, marjoram, garlic, apple cider vinegar,with a hint of sea salt and black pepper. It comes in 500 ml glass container jar and has two servings (240 ml).

The company was founded in June 2017. The founders and owners are the two of us, Jón Örvar G. Jónsson and Björk Harðardóttir. Jón Örvar serves as the company’s CEO and Björk is head of development and quality management. In addition, Start-up Reykjavík Investment owns a 6% equity in the company as our seed investor. The idea for the company has been in the making for a long time and now has become a reality. Both of us have been working in the areas of agriculture, food and environment for two decades and have now joined into one with the founding of the company.

Björk Harðardóttir is a self-taught natural chef. Björk has been cooking for over thirty years in various locations and for people of all ages, always aiming for high quality nutrition feeding both body and the spirit. Björk has operated cafeterias, catering service and food kitchens in extreme places, like on the Greenland Icecap. A student of natural sciences Björk enjoys the outdoors, home-grown food and cooking with friends. Björk serves as the main developer for the food production lines with focus on taste, texture and visual appearance. Björk has extensive culinary knowledge of different plants and spices, handling of different animal proteins and quality of products. Björk is also a creator of outstanding social ambience.

Jón Örvar has a real passion for the future of food and agriculture and is concerned about the state of our soils and their nutrition content. Jón Örvar has been experimenting with different diets and foods over the years. Jón Örvar is enthusiastic about making food that provides humans with the appropriate nutrition that helps them to perform the best.

Our slogan is ancestral nutrition for the modern man. We feel that modern society has changed the human condition so drastically over the last centuries, especially in the last 50 years that humans are disharmonious with their natural condition. We feel that bringing back some of the nutrition that has been a part of the human diet for millennia is necessary. This means bringing back food that has been out of fashion for the last decades, like organ meats, animal fats, bones and marrow. This was the food that our ancestors fought over but now largely go to waste. The wastage of these highly nutritious ingredients has created both health and environmental problems.

We took part in Start-up Reykjavík this summer and got great feedback, mentorship and experience. We are grateful for the opportunity of being a part of that accelerator. Now we want to complete the process and bring our first ancestral based product to market, the lamb bone broth. To finalize the steps we need your support. By supporting us, you will receive some of rewards that we offer on this page but also you are supporting an Icelandic food startup that aims to use high quality ingredients that in most part, unfortunately, go to waste but are healthy and nutritious. By supporting us, you will help us decrease food wastage and move us closer to the goal of fully utilizing high quality Icelandic resources and sustainable food production. At this point in time, we need 6 thousand Euros to complete our production development and bring lamb bone broth to market.

Interview (in Icelandic) in Matarvef Morgunblaðsins
Interview (in Icelandic) in Viðskiptablaðinu
Interview (in Icelandic) in Morgunblaðinu
Bone & Marrow on Facebook
Our website http://www.
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This project is now finished.


raised of €6,000 goal


days to go




Karolina Fund ehf © 2025 | Kt: 460712-1570 | VAT: 111464