Campaign title
Our goal is to create Iceland's first ever float centre and offer an effortless way to get rid of stress and pain. Floating is ideal for pregnant women, athletes and people that just need a break from a stressful modern lifestyle.
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This project is now finished.


raised of €10,000 goal


days to go





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Reykjavik Floating

  • Opna facebook síðu
  • Velja týpu af tönkum
  • Viðskiptaáætlun
  • Tryggja lén og opna heimasíðu
  • Lógó
  • Finna húsnæði
  • Setja upp herbergi fyrir flot
  • Hljóðeinangra
  • Mála og innrétta
  • Afhending á flottönkum
  • Setja upp flottanka

Further Information

What should I expect when I visit Reykjavik Floating and how do I know if it would benefit me personally?

Do you sit all day at work?
Do you feel stressed?
Do you have a difficult or stressful job?
Are you pregnant and exhausted?
Having trouble sleeping?
Do you suffer from chronic pain?

The short answer is: Yes, floating is for everyone.

Stress has been shown to be one of the leading causes for many modern lifestyle-related diseases and the floatation tank is the perfect tool to reduce stress effectively in a simple and natural way.

Reykjavík Floating will be the place you visit when you really need to relax and get your mind off of things or when you just feel the need to treat yourself.

Something we could all do more of.

Our goal is to make Reykjavík Floating your favorite place to visit.
You don’t need to bring anything with you, just book your float session, show up at the reception, get a towel and earplugs, turn off your phone, step in the tank and float away, weightless and relaxed.
Each tank will be in a private room with a shower, which makes for a personal and private experience for every guest. Each room is sound proof to make sure your session goes by uninterrupted, creating the perfect environment for you to enjoy the magic that floating is.

What should I expect?
When you first step into the tank you might get unnerved by the silence and the weightlessness. You’re probably experiencing this level of sensory deprivation for the first time. The first session can be difficult for some people but after 2-3 sessions you start to feel the benefits which increase with every session. Soon floating will become an indispensable part of your week.
After your float session you take a shower and get dressed. After the shower you can sit down and relax in the post-float lounge, have a complimentary refreshment and chat about your experience before you head out to enjoy the rest of your day, feeling happy and relaxed.

Reykjavik Floating your personal stress free refuge.
We want to make certain that your floating experience is as good as it gets, by creating a stress-free refuge for you to escape to for a moment of peace from everything. A key factor to accomplish this goal is eliminating all noise and interruption. We will seek to improve the conditions to the best of our ability and with your help we can take the extra steps needed to ensure a great experience.

Of course we will keep you posted with regular updates on both Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to give us a like!

Flotstofan on Facebook

Flotstofan on Instagram

Our Website
(It is currently under construction)

The Project

We have finished most of the ground work and have already been in contact with a manufacturer that produces one of the largest tanks on the market. We chose these tanks because of the size and also because they are designed to be easily accessible so that everyone should be able to enter and exit the tanks with relative ease.

The tanks will be ordered as soon as we secure the perfect location but the first month will be used to setup the float rooms, soundproof, decorate, install the tanks and create a Floatcenter that will make you feel right at home.

What is floating?

Floatation therapy or "floating" for short is a highly effective and researched practice that involves individuals relaxing in a state of the art float tank, containing 30 centimeters of water, infused with 500kg of epsom salt. The high level of salt content allows you to float effortlessly, completely removing the pull of gravity from your body. Water is heated to match the surface temperature of your skin. Creating an environment where your senses gently float away. Lastly, the pod is virtually sound and lightproof and has a neutral smell, alleviating the body from all external stimulation.

Floating has a wide range of applications that can benefit just about anyone. Including personal growth and development, enhanced creativity and problem solving, muscle recovery, neck-, back- and joint pain relief, and a greater overall sense of well-being.

Floating for the modern individual.

In recent times the interest for floatation REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) has increased and the number of floatation centers accordingly.

In Sweden, floatation is subsidized by the national health service as a viable therapy for chronic pain and stress. Floatation also qualifies for tax exemption for companies, which prevents burnout and results in less stressed and more efficient employees.

The ability to cut off all mental and physical stimuli calms down your central nervous system, which is constantly working towards assuring us that we are awake and out of danger (Fight or flight response). In our modern environment we experience a variety of stress factors, pretty much constantly, from the moment we get up until we fall asleep.

- When we cut off the stress of continously analyzing our surroundings our body decreases it's production of the stress hormone Cortisol and increases production of Dopamine and Endorphine.

This results in less anxiety, increased focus and mental clarity, better mood and quality of sleep.

Floating for athletes and those who suffer from chronic pain.

Floatation reduces recovery time after strenuous exercise, providing a weightless environment for the body that enables it to reach a previously unknown state of relaxation.

- Lowers blood pressure and reduces the build-up of lacticacid and adrenaline in muscle fiber.

- Creates an optimal environment for visualization

About 30 – 40 minutes into the float session your brain starts producing Theta waves, creating a state which we all experience briefly each day just before falling asleep.

Floatation enables you to experience this magical state while remaining conscious. A rare ability unless you are either a newborn or a veteran of meditation. The state boosts the production of Beta-Endorphins which, in return, increases your sense of wellbeing, provides pain relief and improves memory.

Research shows that the cumulative effects of floatation REST provides very effective pain relief for certain parts of the body. The effects are temporary but seem to increase with prolonged floating sessions.

Floating for pregnant women.

Floatation Therapy provides a safe and effective way for women to escape the physical demands of pregnancy. The water is heated to skin temperature, 34°C. Unlike a hot tub the body's core temperature does not rise over the course of a session. Floating takes away added strain on the spine and soothes backaches and aching joints. Floating has been proven to help other common conditions of late stage pregnancy insomnia, depression and anxiety by decreasing cortisol levels and encouraging the production of endorphins. It is often noted that the floatation therapy creates a «mirror effect» of the baby floating in the womb of mother and the mother floating in the womb-like float tank. Women can bond with their babies in this peaceful environment.

Below you can see an infograph that goes through the steps of visiting a float centre like the one we aim to create in Reykjavik.


This project is now finished.


raised of €10,000 goal


days to go




Karolina Fund ehf © 2025 | Kt: 460712-1570 | VAT: 111464