Volunteering cinema lovers are raising money to buy a new screening system for Skjaldborg cinema in Patreksfjörður. Help us finish the project and make it possible to start screening again in Skjaldborg.
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This project is now finished.


raised of €15,000 goal


days to go





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Nýtt sýningarkerfi í Skjaldborgarbíó

  • Úttekt á húsinu
  • Panta kerfið
  • Undirbúa húsið fyrir kerfið
  • Setja kerfið upp
  • Frumsýna

Further Information

For 70 years films have been screened at Skjaldborg cinema in Patreksfjörður, through a filmprojector, but today all films are on digital format and that is the reason why a new screening system is needed for Skjaldborg cinema. Vesturbyggð municipality owns the house but the Lions club in Patreksfjörður takes care of business, all as volunteers.

Not only are regular film screenings at stake, but also Skjaldborg – Icelandic documentary festival, which has taken place in Patreksfjörður for the past nine years. The festival has prooved itself as one of Icelands´ top cultural events outside of Reykjavík and is very valuable for the area for many reasons.

A digital screening system also makes all sorts of other projects possible, such as broadcasting live events in high quality and throwing computer games parties.

The group behind this fundraising is based on people from the Lions club in Patreksfjörður, from Skjaldborg – documentary festival and other volunteers interested in the project. For the past two years this group has worked on the fundraising and has already confirmed 80% of the amount needed for buying and installing the system. The finish line is in sight and hopefully crowdfunding through Karolina Fund will help us get over that line.

If more funding comes in than is necessary the extra money will be used to update the sound system in Skjaldborg cinema.

Many companies, funds and volunteers have helped and a lot of work has been done. All who are involved work as volunteers and the cinema will always be a non-profit business, the aim is simply to make our community a better place to live in.


This project is now finished.


raised of €15,000 goal


days to go




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