Campaign title
Jón Ólafsson & Futuregrapher (Árni Grétar) hafa lokið gerð sveimplötunnar 'Eitt'. Hjálpið þeim að koma verkinu út í fallegri vínylútgáfu (ásamt geisladiski)! // Jón Ólafsson & Futuregrapher have created the ambient album 'Eitt'. Help them get it released properly in vinyl format (with CD)!
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This project is now finished.


raised of €3,000 goal


days to go





Árni Grétar Jóhannesson

Árni Grétar (born 6 December 1983), best known under the pseudonym Futuregrapher, is an electronic musician.

Jón Ólafsson

Jón Ólafsson is a composer, producer and keyboard player.


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Jón Ólafsson & Futuregrapher

  • Recordings
  • Mix & Master
  • Cover design
  • Manufacturing
  • Album release
  • Hand out rewards to supporters!

Further Information


'Eitt' eftir Jón Ólafsson & Futuregrapher

Upptökum er lokið á sveimplötu Jóns Ólafssonar & Futuregrapher (Árni Grétar) sem ber heitið ‘Eitt’. Tónlistin varð til upp úr spuna Jóns á Yamaha píanó sem Árni Grétar umvefur áhrifahljóðum og hljóðgervlum. Tónlistarverkefnið sýnir fram á mátt íslenskrar raftónlistar, sérstaklega í sveimtónlist - en Árni Grétar hefur verið í forsvari þeirrar tónlistarstefnu hér á landi um langa hríð. Jón leikur á píanó og Árni Grétar notast við hljóðgervilinn DX7, upptökutækið Zoom H6, delay-græjurnar Monotron og DD-3 og hljóðblandar og setur effecta í Ableton Live.

Viðtal við

Album credits

All tracks written by Jón Ólafsson and Árni Grétar
Mixed by Árni Grétar and Jón Ólafsson

Jón Ólafsson: Piano
Árni Grétar: Synthesizer, effects, field recordings

Mastered by Finnur Hákonarson
Artwork & photography by Sig Vicious

'Eitt' by Jón Ólafsson & Futuregrapher

Jón Ólafsson & Futuregrapher; fuses the beautiful piano melodies of Jón Ólafsson and the atmospheric ambient of Futuregrapher to create a lovely, evocative album 'Eitt'. Both artists have been active in the Icelandic music scene for many years; Jón being a great musician, both in songwriting and keyboard playing and Árni Grétar has been super-productive in many projects. and co-owning electronic label Möller Records. Their forthcoming ambient avant-garde album 'Eitt' is their first release together.

About the artists

Jón Ólafsson

Jón Ólafsson was born on February 25th 1963. He has formed and played with several popular bands and is a current member of Nýdönsk. Once in a while Jón has been working in radio and tv for a long time - and his music/interview program 'Af fingrum fram' (Improvising) was very popular, receiving the Edda awards.

Jón has been writing songs from a very young age and his pop songs have often captivated Icelandic music lovers. He has contributed to over 130 albums as artist in one way or the other. Among the artists that Jón has worked with are John Grant, Emiliana Torrini, Megas, Björk, Ragnheiður Gröndal, Magnús og Jóhann and Bubbi Morthens. He has twice received the Icelandic Music Awards as the best keyboard player and has been nominated for that award numerous times.


Árni Grétar (born 6 December 1983), best known under the pseudonym Futuregrapher, is an electronic musician described by Grapevine magazine in 2009 as "fucking brilliant". He runs the record label Möller Records with fellow musicians Bistro Boy and Steve Sampling.

Released two critical acclaimed albums; ‘LP’ in 2012 and 'Skynvera' in 2014.

Futuregrapher has made remixes for many artists; Mick Chillage Ghostigital, Samaris and Ruxpin (to name a few).

Live events all around Iceland - and has toured in both N-America and Europe.

Worked and made music with many artists; Japanese sound artist Gallery Six, techno producer Árni Vector, cellist Veroníque Vaka, pop-maniac Borko, Icelandic composer Jón Ólafsson and artist Snorri Ásmundsson.

Futuregrapher's soundcloud


This project is now finished.


raised of €3,000 goal


days to go




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