A CD filled with love songs was circulating in my hometown Reykjavik, Iceland. The rumours said that it was stolen from a Romanian truck driver by the name of Daniel C, out of his locker by four co-workers who liked the music and made copies for themselves. Nobody really knew who he was. On May 13th 2013 I recieved a message about Daniel C´s whereabouts.
A CD filled with love songs was circulating in my hometown Reykjavik, Iceland. The rumours said that it was stolen from a Romanian truck driver by the name of Daniel C, out of his locker by four co-workers who liked the music and made copies for themselves. Nobody really knew who he was. On May 13th 2013 I recieved a message about Daniel C´s whereabouts.
To support the production of this animatied short film simply push the Pledge to project button here on the right side on this page, chose amount and finish the payment with a credit card on a secure Borgun payment site.
The Pirate of Love is a ten minute animated documentary about the mysterious rumours surrounding a CD that was circulating in my hometown Reykjavík, Iceland. The CD contains 15 songs, most of them love songs to a girl called Sherry. Rumours had it that it was stolen off of Romanian truck driver by the name of Danile C. The idendity of the muscisan was unknown.
The film was finished in May 2012 and has since been playing at film festivals such as Telluride, American Film Institute Film Fest and New Directors New Films at MoMA and Lincoln Center in New York and was nominated for a Student Academy Award in May 2013.
On May 13th 2013 I was contacted by a dispatcher for a trucking company in Mississippi named Luke, who said one of his drivers by the name of Daniel Ciocan made the CD called The Pirate of Love. I am now working on a second part of the story of The Pirate of Love, getting to know the real person behind the legend.
D. Luke Johnson
Daniel Ciocan
--- Lýsing á verkefni á íslensku ---
Geisladiskur með ástarljóðum gekk manna á milli í Reykjavík. Disknum fylgdu sögusagnir um að honum hefði verið stolið af Rúmenskum trukkabílstjóra sem gekk undir nafninu Daníel C, af fjórum vinnufélögum sem líkaði músíkin og fjölfölduðu þeir diskinn fyrir sjálfan sig. Enginn vissi í raun hver hann var. Þann 13 Maí 2013 barst mér skilaboð um hvar Daníel C er niðurkominn.
Það er auðvelt að styrkja framleiðslu myndarinnar, einfaldlega með því að smellta á Pledge to project hnappinn hér hægra megin á síðunni, veldu upphæð og þú getur greitt með korti í gegnum örugga greiðslugátt Borgunar eða með millifærslu.
Sjóræningi Ástarinnar er tíu mínútna löng, teiknuð stuttmynd um dullarfullar sögusagnir kringum geisladisk sem fór manna á milli í Reykjavík. Diskurinn inniheldur 15 lög, mestallt ástarljóð til stúlku nefnd Sherry. Orðrómurinn var sá að disknum hefði verið stolið af Rúmenskum trukkabílstjóra sem gekk undir nafninu Daníel C. Persóna þessa tónlistarmanns var með öllu ókunn. Þessari mynd lauk ég í Maí 2012 og hún hefur síðan verið spiluð á kvikmyndahátíðum víða um heim, meðal annars á Telluride, American Film Institute Film Fest og New Directors New Films í MoMA og Lincoln Center í New York. Myndin var einnig tilnefnd til Óskarsverðlauna stúdenta 2013. Þann 13 Maí 2013 bárust mér skilaboð frá afgreiðslustjóra í vörubílafyrirtæki í Mississippi sem sagði mér að einn af bílstjórunum hans sem heitir Daníel Ciocan hefði samið geisladiskinn sem gengur undir nafninu Sjóræningi Ástarinnar. Ég vinn nú að seinni hluta sögunnar um Sjóræningjann, þarsem okkur gefst færi til að kynnast hinum sanna Sjóræningja Ástarinnar, Daniel Ciocan.
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